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10 Best Selling Books in 2020 | Guest Post by Samrat Mishra

Nowadays, thousands of books are being published day and night, but only a few of them are popular. Some have disappeared in the busy world but some leave an indelible mark in the world of books. This post is going to be an informative article that will discuss the top 10 best-selling books of 2020.

Today, youngsters are not much interested in reading books, but the number of sales of some books has surprised the publisher the most. Few books cross the sales of millions of copies within only one week. The most selling books of 2020 are given below.

List of 10 Best Selling Books in 2020

  1. Too Much and Never Enough
  2. A Promised Land
  3. Where the Crawdads Sing
  4. My First Learn to Write Workbook
  5. Midnight Sun
  6. Untamed
  7. White Fragility
  8. The Room Where It Happened
  9. School Zone – Big Preschool Workbook
  10. If Animals Kissed Good Night

So, let’s get into this article. Shall we?

  1. Too Much and Never Enough

Author Mary L. Trump
Publication July 14 2020
Rating 4.6
Genre Biography

Marry Trump is the niece of Donald Trump. She described the story behind the huge success of Donald Trump in business and startups, politics that made him famous all over the world.

It is a brilliantly and thoughtfully written memoir. She tried to expose almost everything about the Trump family before the world. Mary’s this book sold nearly one million copies on the day of its release.

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2.A Promised Land

Author Barack Obama
Publication 17 November 2020
Rating 4.9
Genre Memoirs

Barack Obama presented a beautiful and inspiring story of his own through this book. He described how a common man goes from ordinary to extraordinary and the circumstances he has to face.

The book portrays Barack Obama as a deeply caring man, a great mind, an outstanding leader, an ideal husband, and a best friend. It provides morals of life which are very important for growth.

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3.Where the Crawdads Sing

Author Delia Owens
Publication 14 August 2018
Rating 4.8
Genre Contemporary Literature

It is one of the best creations of Delia Owens which was sold in more than 4.5 million copies as of December 2019. The book contains an emotional story full of suspense, thriller, and adventure.

The book follows two stories of a girl named “Kya” at different timelines. The first is set in 1952 when she was only six years old and the second is set in 1965 when she entered nineteen. The author has made it so interesting and fascinating that no one will put it down.

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4.My First Learn to Write Workbook

Author Crystal Radke
Publication 27 August 2019
Rating 4.8
Genre Children’s Word Books

As the title suggests, this is a children’s help book. It is the best place to teach preschoolers and toddlers. Crystal Radke showed her creativity to design this type of workbook. She designed it with many interesting pictures and illustrations. If you want to teach your toddler all the basics of writing and numbers, then you should start from here.

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5.Midnight Sun

Author Stephenie Meyer
Publication 4 August 2020
Rating 4.3
Genre Young Adults Emotions

Midnight Sun is one of the best books for teenagers to read. For a better understanding of this book, you should read first her Twilight book that was written in 2008. Midnight Sun is the next part of Twilight. It sold one million copies in its first week of publication.

The book follows the next story of the Twilight protagonist. The story is often surprising, overall fascinating, sometimes shocking that are the core factors of its popularity. The well-written saga with an amazing story makes it more engaging. 

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Author Glennon Doyle
Publication 10 March 2020
Rating 4.7
Genre Motherhood, Self-Help

Untamed is an enduring coming age story that encourages the empowerment of women. Since the author has described what she felt in her life, it seems to be more realistic. The author has mainly focused on female rights, so she presented all the circumstances that almost every female has to face.

If we talk about its language, it is written in easy to understand language but sometimes the terms that are used are a bit complicated.

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7.White Fragility

Author Robin DiAngelo 
Publication 26 June 2018
Rating 4.5
Genre Ethnic Studies, Racism

White Fragility: Why it’s so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism is the full name of this book. The story is set to Black and White people of the USA. The author put the light on the racism that is hollowing society continuously through this absolutely astonishing book.

On Amazon’s bestseller list, it is at 4th position in Ethnic Demographic Studies and Cultural Anthropology and at 5th position in Discrimination and Racism.

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8. The Room Where It Happened

Author John R. Bolton
Publication 23 June 2020
Rating 4.3
Genre Political History

Author John R. Bolton recently published a memoir “The Room When It Happened” which has touched Amazon’s list of best-selling books in no time. He served as National Security Advisor for U. S. President Donald Trump.

He shared his experience of being NSA with the world through this book. Author John also described how America views other countries from a development perspective.

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9. School Zone – Big Preschool Workbook

Author Joan Hoffman
Publication 7 June 2018
Rating 4.8
Genre Children Help

It ranks first in children’s general studies aid books on Amazon’s best seller list. Joan Hoffman created this by keeping children’s psychology in his mind. The book is full of colorful illustrations and interesting stories.

Since children are more attracted towards cartoons, this book has many cartoon characters. For your toddlers, you must buy it.

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10. If Animals Kissed Good Night

Author Ann Whitford Paul, David Walker
Publication 3 June 2014
Rating 4.8
Genre Children’s Sleep Issues

The authors put their imaginations in this interesting book. They imagine how the animals express their love for their loved ones. Can the animals kiss to their love interest, if yes, how can they do this? The authors described it with an enduring story.

If you have kids in your house, you must give them. It will be the best pleasure moments for them.

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These are the top 10 best selling books of 2020 that broke the records of highest selling on Amazon list. It will provide decent knowledge about many things. Make sure you buy it and read it.

Thank You! Take care.

Know your author – Samrat Mishra

I’m Samrat Mishra. I am a college student by profession and bookaholic by passion. I have my own blog where I do discuss top books in any niches.

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